It is a surgical procedure to tighten and smoothen the eyelids by removing excessive skin/muscle and or fat. Excessive fat is often responsible for the bulge in the eyelids giving it a baggy appearance. Loose and excess skin and or muscle can cause wrinkling of the eyelid.
Blepharoplasty can be carried out for the following reasons: 1.loose and wrinkled eyelid skin 2. Baggy or puffy eyelids.
Chemical peel can be useful for very fine wrinkling in the early stages. However loose and heavily wrinkled skin and or baggy eyelids can be corrected only by blepharoplasty.
In early stages of ageing around the eyelids often one sees grooves and depressions close to the eyelid cheek junction. These can be filled with synthetic injectables (fillers) or even your own fat (fat injection or fat grafting). Fat grafting can also be sometimes useful in some patients with dark circles.
Blood tests are required prior to any surgery. Additional tests such as x-ray, Cardiogram, physician check-up etc may be required depending on your health status. These tests are carried out for your safety.
Blepharoplasty can be done under local anesthesia with some sedation or you can be put to sleep (general anaesthesia).
The bags in the lower eyelid can be dealt from inside or outside. The inside approach involves making an incision (cut) in the inner lining (conjunctiva) of the eyelid. So there is no external scar. However if in addition to bags, loose skin is also present then only the outside approach can be used. This involves making a cut in the skin few mms below the eyelashes. The resultant scar also fades with time. The eyelid comprises of four layers from outside in- skin, muscle, membrane and fat. After the incision the skin and muscle is dissected and excess is trimmed away. A cut is made in membrane allowing the excess fat to bulge, which is then removed. The skin is approximated with very fine stitches. However when the inside approach is used then no stitches need to be taken. The upper eyelid is dealt with in a similar fashion except for the incision, which is taken in the eyelid crease leaving an invisible scar.
There will be a tape dressing over the eyelids. Swelling and bruising may be present, which disappear on its own in few weeks.
You will be discharged the same evening or the next morning.
You will be allowed to have shower, taking care not to wet the dressing. All stitches and dressings are removed within few days. You will be prescribed antibiotic eyedrops to be used for a week or so.
You will be up and about within 24 hours of the operation. You can resume light activity immediately after discharge. Usually heavy activity like going to the gymnasium/swimming etc can be safely done after few weeks. However every individual is different. You should increase your level of activity according to your comfort level.
Blepharoplasty itself is a safe procedure. However as is true for any operation blepharoplasty can be associated with certain risk and uncertainty. Infection is rarely seen and can be treated with antibiotics. Scars are rarely visible due to excellent healing associated with this area. Swelling and bruising may be present which disappear in few week’s time. However a week or few days after the operation you will be able to use makeup to hide any residual bruising if any.
Blepharoplasty gives a smooth and youthful contour to the eyelids. The results are long lasting leaving majority of the patients satisfied.