17Front before: patient with bunched up and loose skin in the belt area of the tummy. Vaser liposuction was tried elsewhere with no result.
Front after: after lower body lift (also known as belt lipectomy or 360tummytuck). All the loose skin has been removed and the navel has also more youthful look
Front after: after lower body lift (also known as belt lipectomy or 360tummytuck). All the loose skin has been removed and the navel has also more youthful look

20Patient had a previous Tummy Tuck. However was unhappy with the high scar and lack of improvement in the outer thigh and buttock projection. Underwent lower body lift which also lowered the scar and lifted the outer thigh, improved buttock projection by fat injection (BBL). The last 2 changes can be seen in the next two sets of photographs.

3624 year old following massive weight loss. Loose hanging skin in front and sides (flank) of the abdomen and also the lower back. Following all around tummy tuck (abdominoplasty + flankplasty) where the loose skin and fat is removed from the front, sides of the abdomen and also the lower back. This operation is also called 360 degree or circumferential abdominoplasty.